Read. Watch. Play. Explore. Create
If you have access to a 3D Printer, try printing toys, gadgets, puzzles, and math manipulatives.
Creativity is a major part of growing up, and 3D printed toys can let kids express that. Everyone can design 3D models to print or visit websites like Thingiverse to find free models to customize or print directly. You can support the designer by clicking the tip the designer button.
Do not worry that if you cannot 3D print, you can still purchase the one-of-a-kind 3D models.

by henryseg
One of the models mentioned in the Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing Book. You can use it to display iterations of HC

by henryseg
Topology Joke
One of the models mentioned in the Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing Book by Henry Segerman

by mrbenbritton
Height vs Slant Height
A set of pyramids and a cone which have had slices taken out to help students identify the hidden triangles.

by mathgrrl
Pair of Packable Scutoids
Scutoids are a geometrical solution to 3D packing of epithelia in the journal Nature.

by IronOxide
Conic Sections
A horizontal slice reveals the circle, a slanted reveals the ellipse, a vertical reveals the hyperbola, and a slanted vertical cut reveals the parabola.

by Freakazoid
Proof of the Theorem
Use the given regions to cover the squares to prove Pythagoras Theorem

by roklobster04
Solids of Constant Width
These shapes have the same width (height) no matter how they are rotated or rolled.

by Juanill0
Famous Puzzle 365 - use petrominoes to cover all the numbers except today's

by JustinSDK
Curves of Pursuits
3D Models of fidgets which can also be used to display the curves of pursuit.

by XYZAidan
oldable versions of your favorite regular 3D shapes, the five Platonic Solids!

by mathgrrl
Slices of Menger Cube
Three different diagonal slice models of a level 2 Menger sponge.

by jonco223
Square & Triangle Transformation
inged triangle-square dissection (Dudeney's dissection)

by ChrisX35
Usually called inclinometer. It is used to find the height of the objects using trigonometry.

by ereiser
Volume Formula
Can be used to prove the volume ratio between a cube and a square pyramid.

by ereiser
Students learn about the Caesar Cipher. They practice encoding and decoding messages using a decoder ring.

by Taevinrude
Brachistochrone Curve Demonstration
Which is the fastest possible path a ball can take when falling between two points?

by lgbu
Trammel of Archimedes
A geometric structure for constructing ellipses or exploring mathematical relations

by eashwarps
A model for the binomial expansion of the cube of the sum of a and b.

by dietervdf
3D object w/ the top view is a circle, the front view is a triangle and the side view is a square.

by althepal
Slope Puzzle
Rearrange the pieces, and the area seems to change. How can that happen?

by PhilKloppers
3D Optical
he Squarcle is a 3D optical illusion based on the work of Kokichi Sugihara
Book Recommendation;
Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing
by Henry Segerman