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Math Club 

Here is a carefully crafted curriculum to fuel the curiosity of young mathematicians and make math club meetings engaging and educational. On this page, you'll find a possible roadmap that takes you on a captivating mathematical journey, covering exciting topics, activities, and challenges. 


  1. Number Sums and Gauss

  2. Primes

    1. Euler’s Prime number formula

    2. Sieve of Eratosthenes

    3. Prime Facts

    4. The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

  3. Iconic Numbers of Math

    1. Pi - number

    2. Fibonacci Sequence Activity

    3. Phi number

    4. Euler’s Number

  4. Recurring Decimals

  5. Exponential Growth – Do Vampires really exist!?

  6. Number Bases and Binary

  7. Real vs. Imaginary Numbers


  1. Zeno’s Paradox

  2. Hilbert’s Hotel

  3. Cantor’s scales of infinity

Geometry ​​​

  1. Cube Investigation 

  2. Prisms and Pyramids

  3. Project Archimedes

  4. Pi-finder with Archimedes

  5. Anti-Prisms

  6. Platonic Solids and Pull-out nets

  7. Circle Constructions

  8. Ellipses

  9. Reuleaux Triangle, Polygons and Solids

  10. 4th Dimension and Dali and Flatland

  11. The Brachistochrone 1 - 2



  1. Mind-bending shapes

  2. Compare and Classify Shapes

  3. Mobius Strips

  4. Klein Bottle​

  5. Recycling Logo, Balance, and Sustainability for our World


Graph Theory

  1. Euler Circuits

  2. Königsberg Bridges

  3. Euler Theorem

  4. The Utilities Problem

  5. Six degrees of Separation

  6. Map Coloring


Mathematical Timeline

  1. Mathigon and Long term Student Project

  2. Story-telling sessions and bring famous mathematicians to life (Apps)

  3. Numbers' Book



  1. Top and Bottom (Three fair die),

  2. Always 34

  3. Pick a number

  4. Magic 115 trick

  5. Multiplication Wizard

  6. Famous $30 bill problem

  7. Algebra-based Magic Examples and Create your own math-magic


Pythagoras and his theorems

  1. Proof of the theorem

  2. Music Ratios

  3. Greedy Cup

  4. Lattice Squares

  5. HIP game by Martin Garner


Pascal Triangle

  1. A detailed Investigation on Pascal Triangle 

  2. Algebra

  3. Combination Activity - Paths on Grid

  4. Probability and Galton Board


Probability and Statistics

  1. Array Diagrams and Probability

  2. Factorials Activity

  3. Combination Lock

  4. Birthday Paradox

  5. The Monty Hall Problem

  6. Predictions lead to Data Science

  7. Misleading Graphs 

  8. Sicherman Dice



  1. A path from Algorithms to AI

  2. Sorting Network activities

  3. Google AI Experiments



  1. History of Cryptology

  2. Caesar’s Cipher

  3. Enigma Machine



  1. String Art

  2. Spirographs​

  3. Curves of Pursuit

  4. Tessellation

  5. Pentagonal tessellations

  6. Escher’s Art

  7. 17 Symmetry Groups 

  8. Rep-tiles

  9. Spidrons and John Edmark

  10. The Impossible Shapes​

  11. The Ambiguous Shapes​

  12. The art of Anamorphic Illusion​

  13. Vedic Mathematics​

  14. Hexadecagon Tiles

  15. Flextangles


  1. Fractal Slides

  2. How long is a coastline?

  3. Sierpinski Triangle 2D or 3D, Area Calculations

  4. Koch Snowflake and Perimeter Calculations​

  5. Dragon Curve

  6. Menger Cube



  1. Folding to create plane figures 

  2. Folding for geometrical constructions

  3. Creating 3D Solids

  4. Solar Panels of the Spaceships



  1. Tangrams

  2. Toothpick Puzzles

  3. The game of Nim

  4. John's Conway's Game of Life 

  5. Puzzles



  1. Basics of GeoGebra

  2. Basics of DESMOS

  3. Geometric Constructions w/ EUCLIDEA


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